Day 3: Quamina's Cooler
Welcome back thirsty readers. As we roll into our third day without a place to go, where everybody knows your name, the reality of this new world becomes more apparent. Most of us don't experience more than two days off in a row, so the stir-crazy feelings are probably beginning. That being said, it's probably time for something tropical!

Our inspirations today comes from the Demerara Rebellion of 1823. This uprising involved over ten thousand enslaved persons in the British Crown colony of Demerara-Essequibo, now part of Guyana. One of the greatest leaders of the rebellion was a senior church deacon named Quamina Gladstone. Quamina, unlike other revolutionaries of the time, suggested a peaceful rebellion, with no bloodshed. Those enslaved did not heed his warning however. Even though he spoke against violence, Quamina was still captured after the rebellion. He's seen today as a national hero, with a street named after him, as well as a statue erected as a monument at the corner or Quamina and Charmicheal streets in Georgetown. Maybe sipping this cocktail can be a reminder that we, as humans, have overcome so much before, and we can overcome what we are facing today.

Quamina's Cooler
1.5oz Aged Demerara Rum (I used El Dorado 12yr)
.5oz Banane du Brasil (Banana Liqueur, I used Giffard)
.5oz Orgeat
.5oz Coconut Cream
.75oz Lime
Double old fashioned glass.
Whip shake with crushed ice and pour unstrained.
Garnish with pineapple fronds, lime wheel, and umbrella.
Do you love this Mai Tai glass as much as I do? Find more awesome glassware from these guys at Hidden Harbor!
A true tribute to heroes during tough times. I hope you enjoy your Quamina's Cooler. Maybe a tropical drink can create the escapism needed during this forced vacation of ours. I know posting cocktails isn't exactly changing the world, but I hope it can create some sense of normal, atleast for somebody. Until tomorrow, keep shaking.