Day 49: The Way of the Sith
Yoda shook his head, feeling uneasy. "Always two there are, no more no less. A master and an apprentice." Mace Windu looked at the Jedi...
Day 48: Galactic Con Man
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from Naboo, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”...
Day 47: Camillo by the Bay
"When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with...
Day 46: Bangarang
"Have to fight. Have to fly. Have to crow.... I've forgotten how to fly." Welcome back, my thirsty thirsty readers, or at least, I still...
Day 45: Weeping Coconuts
The first thing I saw on my social media stream today, wasn't another article spouting death tolls, or lock-down protests. What I saw was...
Day 44: Shangri-La
Across the globe, people finally have the time to catch up on those long forgotten projects. I've seen tutorials on every hobby...
Day 43: La Vie En-Roa Ae
Musicians always seem to have a way to put life in perspective. Their words and music carry us through the best and worst of times....
Day 42: Funky Liza
Today, I should be recovering from a busy weekend, the first week of Jazz Fest in New Orleans. Instead, I'm writing this 1,100 miles away...
Day 41: Imperial Getaway
American journalist, Earl Wilson once said "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking." I doubt any...
Day 40: Younger Than Springtime
It was the summer of 2001, and I was out with my cousin, driving around Pittsburgh. We were both leaving for college soon, and we thought...